Sunday, September 13, 2020

Steampunk Witch (2 Years)

Today marks two years that I've been a Steampunk Witch and this time around I'm far more open about what I practice unlike last year. Over seven months ago my mother passed away and even though I do miss her I do love the fact that I can practice my path. Still looking for a place to move into so that we stop paying high rent. I will be posting more often then I've done before and I hope that you all enjoy what is coming.

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Steampunk Witch (1 Year)

Merry Meet!

Today marks one year that I've been a steampunk witch. The year has been filled with not really doing much practicing, but really thinking long and hard about what it's like to follow a path. One of the things that I haven't done is share my path with others, even through video, or talking with other pagans. Until my mother is no longer around I will practice my steam magic in private.

My goal for the coming months, leading up to my second year, is to do more things that are connected to my steampunk magical path. I'm going to work on some art projects that are connected with the elements and to have more fun. One of the things that I've learned in the year that I've been down this path is the importance of doing the work. I really didn't do much of that during my months leading up to this moment.

I didn't hardly do any meditation or divination work. I'm looking forward to changing that. The work is just too important. Looking forward to seeing you all around.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Altar

Merry Meet!

Even though I have Blogger on my phone I can't put a photo on my post using the app, so I'm doing it here. This is my altar to what I view to be the Steampunk god and goddess. Athena and Hephaestus! Both gods are connected with making things, even though Athena is most connected to wisdom. Even her hymn mentions her guiding her hands through molten ore and her connection to domestic arts. Hephaestus is the blacksmith god and right at home in the steam-engines of any time.

I look forward to continuing to follow this path.

I'm Back!

Merry Meet!

I know that it's been months since I posted anything and I'm sorry about that. I've just been really busy with things and I really didn't know if I was going to continue with this blog, or not. I've decided to continue with the blog and blog more often. I will be posting a photo of my altar and tips on how to get started down this path at some point in the future. Thanks, everyone, for reading.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

One Week In

Today marks one week that I've been learning to be a steampunk witch. The first week has been wonderful and I've really enjoyed doing this. Last week I did two rituals, one of them was for a clean home and the other for the hurricane that happened. I also had to return the blouse that I bought because it wouldn't button up.

Other than that things have gone well and I'm getting into the practice of steampunk magic. I'm going to go out next month I'm buying some gears to change my candlestick holders into something different. That should be one interesting project.

Monday, September 17, 2018


So this coming Saturday, or Sunday, is Mabon. My Witches Calendar has it down for Saturday so I'll be celebrating it on Saturday. Mabon is the second harvest festival and the last Sabbath before the Witches New Year. It's also when the light and dark are of equal measure and this time the dark wins and we really start noticing the shortening of the days. We start noticing that the leaves are falling and the earth officially starts to slumber.

Mabon isn't named after a god, which makes it perfect for steampunk witches in my own opinion. This ritual will give thanks to the spirits and the gods, though I will not be naming them (they know who they are) and ask them to protect the family as we enter the darkness that's the earth's rest and the lack of warmth and heat. I will be writing down the ritual for Mabon in my SBOS (Steam Book of Shadows) so that I can do the ritual again next year.

I do hope that all of you will have a good Mabon and may the gods and spirits protect you.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Fake Witches, Witches Kits and Being on Youtube

I've been a pagan for 27 years and I've seen the rise of social media and most importantly Youtube. When Youtube came out there really wasn't a 'Youtube witchcraft community' and so you could do your thing and not worry. As time went on it was taken over by Witches, Wiccans, Heathens, and many others. Soon the term 'fake witches' and 'fair weathered Wiccans' came out. The second I don't really hear being used.

The pressure to show how authentic and real you were became important. Who wants to, after two decades practicing, get called a fake witch? I would boil some heads if anyone called me that. I think that there are those out there that do pretend to be witches and be witchy and they do such a good job that no one knows that they're not. These people do more damage to the Pagan community than anyone that does pop culture paganism or try a path that isn't what you would call normal.

I remembered reading a comment on a post that clearly stated, and this isn't the comment, that if you practice pop culture paganism get the fuck out of the community and stop calling yourself a pagan because your giving the rest of us a bad name. The comment made it clear that the child molesters, rapists, and others that have used paganism as a cover to ruin others lives are more of a danger to the pagan community than people that believe that Xena is a goddess to be worshiped.

I do believe that I practice a form of pop culture paganism and that's fine. I did a house blessing ritual and a ritual to send energy to those that are suffering due to the hurricane. I used the gods and spirits that are connected to steampunk to cast the spell and I did feel a bit odd doing it. However, the energy that I felt was amazing and something is telling me that this is something that I should be doing. Fake witches that don't break the law isn't harming the community.

They will leave in their own time. Child molesters and rapists do damage the community and make our community look bad is a problem. A HUGE PROBLEM! The pressure, I believe, to prove how witchy you are can be a huge stress factor. That's why I don't care if someone doesn't like it that I don't have an opening for my video and that you just see me instead. I'm not on Youtube to prove how witchy I can be.

Another thing that really caused feathers to ruffle, and their still talking about it, was the beginners witches kits. Now the kits aren't coming out due to the amount of hate that was being directed at them. To me this is something that's coming out in-time for Halloween. Strange, and odd, things do crop up with Halloween comes around. That's just the fact of life when it comes to something like witchcraft. It also gives Christians something to rant about for the next month.

I don't view things like this as a problem. To get angry about it means that you have way too much time on your hands. Let the little smelly witches enjoy their little oils and then they will leave with the rotten pumpkins and maybe not return. To complain about how much witchcraft has become shallow and commercialized doesn't change that, for some, it has become those things. Of course if things like these little witches kits get them interested in true spirituality then that's fine.

I'm not going to be waiting for things to change, I'm going to change them. And that's the whole point when it comes to how I do things.